
Blending emerging and lesser-known artists, the Whitney Biennial is exhibits the best contemporary American art every two years at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City. Seeing its first exhibition in 1973, the biennial has garnered a reputation as one of the world’s leading art events. This year, in the 2014 Whitney Biennial, three guest curators will take over the exhibition, one curator per floor of the museum – Stuart Comer (Chief Curator of Media and Performance Art at MoMA), Anthony Elms (Associate Curator at the Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia), and Michelle Grabner (artist and Professor in the Painting and Drawing Department at the School of the Art Institute, Chicago). Whitney curators, Elisabeth Sussman and Jay Sanders will still advise the biennial overall.

Donna De Salvo, Chief Curator and Deputy Director for Programs at the Whitney, noted:

The 2014 Biennial brings together the findings of three curators with very distinct points of view. There is little overlap in the artists they have selected and yet there is common ground. This can be seen in their choice of artists working in interdisciplinary ways, artists working collectively, and artists from a variety of generations. Together, the 103 participants offer one of the broadest and most diverse takes on art in the United States that the Whitney has offered in many years.”

The Biennial will take place at the Whitney Museum of American Art at 945 Madison Aveune at 75th Street before the Museum moves downtown to its new building in the Spring of 2015. 103 participants have been chosen for the 2014 Whitney Biennial.


Academy Records and Matt Hanner, 
Terry Adkins
, Etel Adnan, 
Alma Allen, 
Ei Arakawa and Carissa Rodriguez, 
Uri Aran
Robert, Ashley and Alex Waterman,
 Michel Auder
, Lisa Anne Auerbach, 
Julie Ault, 
Darren Bader, 
Kevin Beasley,
 Gretchen Bender
, Stephen Berens, Dawoud Bey, 
Jennifer Bornstein, 
Andrew Bujalski, 
Elijah Burgher,
 Lucien Castaing-Taylor, Véréna Paravel, and Sensory Ethnography Lab
, Sarah Charlesworth, 
Yve Laris Cohen, 
Critical Practices Inc.
, Matthew Deleget, 
David Diao,
 Zackary Drucker and Rhys Ernst
Paul  Druecke
, Jimmie Durham, 
Rochelle Feinstein
Radamés “Juni” Figueroa, 
Morgan Fisher, 
Louise Fishman
, Victoria Fu
Gaylen Gerber with David Hammons, Sherrie Levine, and Trevor Shimizu, 
Jeff Gibson, 
Tony Greene curated by Richard Hawkins and Catherine Opie
, Joseph Grigely, 
Miguel Gutierrez, 
Karl Haendel, 
Philip Hanson, 
Jonn Herschend
, Sheila Hicks, 
Channa Horwitz, 
, Susan Howe,
 Jacqueline Humphries, 
Gary Indiana,
 Doug Ischar, 
Carol Jackson, 
Travis Jeppesen,
 Alex Jovanovich, 
Angie Keefer, 
Ben Kinmont, 
Shio Kusaka, 
Chris Larson, 
Diego Leclery, 
Zoe Leonard
, Tony Lewis
, Pam Lins
Fred Lonidier, 
Ken Lum
Shana Lutker, 
Dashiell Manley
, John Mason
, Keith Mayerson
, Suzanne McClelland
, Dave McKenzie, 
Bjarne Melgaard, 
Rebecca Morris, 
Joshua Mosley, 
My Barbarian (Malik Gaines, Jade Gordon, and Alexandro Segade), 
Dona Nelson, 
Ken Okiishi
, Pauline Oliveros, 
Joel Otterson, 
Laura Owens, 
Paul P.
taisha paggett, 
Charlemagne Palestine, 
Public Collectors, 
Sara Greenberger Rafferty
, Steve Reinke with Jessie Mott, 
David Robbins
, Sterling Ruby, 
Miljohn Ruperto, 
Jacolby Satterwhite, 
Peter Schuyff, 
Allan Sekula
Amy Sillman
, Valerie Snobeck and Catherine Sullivan, 
A.L. Steiner, 
Emily Sundblad, 
Ricky Swallow, 
Tony Tasset, 
Sergei Tcherepnin
, Triple Canopy
, Philip Vanderhyden, 
Pedro Vélez,
 Charline von Heyl
, David Foster Wallace, 
Dan Walsh, 
Donelle Woolford, 
Molly Zuckerman-Hartung.

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