At approximately 3am this morning a nation in disbelief watched Donald Trump’s first speech as president-elect of The United States. Many were questioning, “Is this the beginning of the end of a country that once championed equality and women’s rights?”

A resounding number of people are feeling a heavy weight of anxiety and sadness as well as a newfound sense of urgency and determination to be more politically involved and socially aware from this moment on. Simply casting a ballot and posting a selfie with an “I Voted” sticker is not enough. The next four years are going to be an epic battle to uphold the good in this country. This is the ultimate wake up call to anyone who values human rights, especially younger generations. Millennials are often called “generation me” but we must transform into “generation we.”

No matter how hard our individual struggles may feel, nothing is as big as the fact that we have handed the reins of our country to a racist, misogynistic, inexperienced, talking head – not to mention that the Senate and House of Representatives are now in Republican control. Although trending viral campaigns such as #nastywomen and the brand new, #notmypresident, are great ways to start the conversation we have to move our views beyond Twitter and Instagram and into direct action. As Hillary Clinton said in her heartbreaking concession speech:

“Our constitutional democracy demands our participation, not just every four years, but all the time. So let’s do all we can to keep advancing the causes and values we all hold dear. Making our economy work for everyone, not just those at the top, protecting our country and protecting our planet.” -Hillary Clinton

Although Trump stressed the idea of unity in his early morning speech, there is no way that a nation full of minorities, LGBQT communities, immigrants, and women will stand behind a man whose whole presidential campaign was based on pure hatred and fear mongering. Women especially, must take Clinton’s lead and do whatever we can to pursue our rights and opportunities and to uphold the statement that she graciously left us with earlier today:

“To all of the little girls who are watching this, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams.” -Hillary Clinton

Let’s make fourth wave feminism mean something more than a topless photo with a tired hashtag. May the new generation of feminists include empowered people of all genders, races, nationalities and ages who stand together to uphold the America that celebrates our different cultures and allows us to control our own bodies and minds. America, the great melting pot cannot and will not become a bland, white, male, potato soup.

Make Hillary’s campaign count, start reacting now! Many anti-Trump protests are happening all over the country today, see some in the list below and check out for The Untitled Magazine’s open call for submissions for the upcoming anti-Trump art exhibition, Angry Women.

Anti-Trump Gatherings in NYC


Trump Protest in Union Square (held by Socialist Alternative)
Where: Beginning in Union Square Park at the corner of Park Avenue South and E. 17th Street before marching toward Trump Tower.

When: Wednesday, Nov. 9, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Anti-Trump Rally at Columbus Circle (held by The ANSWER Coalition)
Where: 10 Columbus Circle at West 59th Street

When: Wednesday, Nov. 9, 5:30 p.m.

Peaceful Gathering of Solidarity, Resistance, and Resolve
Where: Carroll Park (Carroll and Smith streets), Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn

When: Wednesday, Nov. 9, 5 p.m.


NYU Teach-in On What Donald Trump Presidency Means for the Country and World
Where: 53 Washington Square South, in the auditorium of the King Juan Carlos Building, Greenwich Village

When: Thursday, Nov. 10, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Love Rally in Washington Square Park
Where: Washington Square Park

When: Friday, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.

-Jasmine Williams for The Untitled Magazine

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