The Seals of Disapproval, Duke Riley
The Watermill Center: The Autumn Benefit Auction
November 18, 2020 – December 9, 2020
In its first major fundraising effort after closing its doors from April-September 2020, The Watermill Center is proud to announce The Autumn Benefit Auction as part of its Annual End-of-Year Appeal. The auction provides artists the chance to earn a twenty percent commission from the sale of their work, while the proceeds allow Watermill to keep its doors open for its year-round Artist Residency and Education Programs, which annually reach over 40 international artists, and nearly 1,000 local school-children and 150 educators each year.
The Auction will be live on Artsy from November 18 – December 9, 2020. Click here for information on how to bid via Artsy.

The Autumn Benefit Auction supports both The Center and its artists, providing artists the chance to earn a twenty percent commission from the sale of their work, while the proceeds allow Watermill to keep it’s doors open for its year-round Artist Residency and Education Programs, which annually reach over 40 international artists, and nearly 1,000 local school-children and 150 educators each year.
Ville Andersson, John Atwood, Davide Balliano, Tahir Carl Karmali, José Carlos Casado, Emily Furr, Shaun Gladwell, Miles Greenberg, Candace Hill Montgomery, Dawn Kasper, Marisela La Grave, Erin Leland, Rachel Libeskind, Qinmin Liu, Mary Mattingly, Noel McKenna, Dr. Gora Parasit, G.T. Pellizzi, Kembra Pfahler, Yapci Ramos, Lars Daniel Rehn, Duke Riley, Marina Rosenfeld, Bastienne Schmidt, William Stewart, Basco Vazko, Claire Watson, Entang Wiharso, Robert Wilson, Joe Zorrilla
Marina Abramovic, Lindsey Adelman, Ai Weiwei, Dinesh Boaz, Melissa Brown, Clayton Calvert, Parker Calvert, Indira Cesarine, Laurence de Valmy, Jordan Donor, Michael Dweck, Frank Gehry, Lizzie Gill, Serge Hamad, Yung Jake, Anish Kapoor, Stephen Laub, Tara Lewis, Maximilian Magnus, Nicole Nadeau, Joshua Reames, Hope Sandrow, Ross Watts