WHEN IT COMES TO EMPOWERING WOMEN, Internet pioneer and filmmaker Tiffany Shlain says that technology will “give them the tools to do whatever they want to do, whatever they dream of doing.” It’s strange that some people are still taken by surprise when girls express interest in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). But a…
Ann Marie “Jade” Bryan is a filmmaker, fashion enthusiast, and founder of Jade Films and Entertainment. She also happens to be deaf. As I stood outside of NYU’s Cantor Film Center to watch the screening of her latest film, The Shattered Mind, I was examining the gathering crowd with great interest; there were lots of…
"The world's best cardmen practice the moves until they do them right. Richard Turner practices the moves until he can't do them wrong." - Bruce T, Gambling Regulator, 2006. Texas resident Richard Turner was born in California on June 16th, 1954, which was quite fatefully dubbed “the year of the full deck.” Growing up in an…