The Untitled Boutique The Untitled Magazine is thrilled to announce a new chapter in our evolution with the re-launch of The Untitled Boutique, now live on In an era where fashion…
Tag: The Untitled Boutique
The “LUMIÈRE” Collection Indira Cesarine’s LUMIÈRE collection, now available exclusively at The Untitled Boutique, merges art and fashion in a striking wearable form. Featuring Cesarine’s signature light paintings on photo-printed fabric, each piece in…
Photography by Indira Cesarine @indiracesarine Model: Mary from Q Models @themaryocean @qmodels Agent: Jeffrey Kolsrud @jeffkolsrud Hair and Makeup: Roberto Morelli @robertomorelli1 Styling: The Untitled Magazine @theuntitledmagazine Photograph Assistants: Felicia DiSalvo and…