

Protest in New York, 2016. Photo by Indira Cesarine.

The conservative initiative Project 2025 is not just a blueprint for the future; it’s a detailed and ambitious plan designed by a coalition of conservative think tanks and policy groups to reshape the American government and society. Launched by The Heritage Foundation, Project 2025 outlines a strategy to prepare a future administration under former President Donald Trump, focused on staffing and aligning the government for effective governance. The project aims to ensure that if Trump returns to office, his administration will be ready to implement its agenda from day one. As the 2024 presidential election looms, this initiative has garnered significant attention, particularly due to its potential implications for civil rights, government structure, and the fabric of American democracy.

The project is a comprehensive initiative aiming to consolidate conservative power by restructuring the federal government and implementing policies that reflect a right-wing agenda. At its core, the project aims to dismantle the so-called “deep state” — a term often used to describe the supposedly entrenched bureaucratic forces within government agencies that some conservatives view as resistant to their reforms. 

One of the most significant components of Project 2025 is the proposal to overhaul the federal civil service system. The plan includes recommendations to strip job protections from federal employees, making it easier to fire those deemed uncooperative or opposed to the administration’s policies. This could lead to a purge of career officials who are seen as impediments to implementing conservative policies, replacing them with loyalists who support the administration’s agenda.

Another key aspect of Project 2025 is the plan to curtail the regulatory power of federal agencies. This includes rolling back environmental regulations established under the Obama administration, such as the Clean Power Plan, which aimed to reduce carbon emissions from power plants. The project also advocates for reducing the role of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in enforcing clean air and water standards and shifting more environmental responsibility to the states, many of which may have less stringent regulations.

Courtesy of Carlos Herrero, Pexels

One of the most alarming aspects of Project 2025 is its potential to significantly undermine civil rights, particularly voting, LGBTQ+, and reproductive rights.

Project 2025 advocates for the nationwide implementation of stricter voter ID laws and the elimination of mail-in voting, both of which have been shown to disproportionately impact minority voters. For example, in Georgia’s 2022 midterm elections, the state’s voter ID law was criticized for disenfranchising thousands of voters, particularly African Americans, who are less likely to have the required forms of identification. By making it harder for certain groups to vote, these measures could diminish the political power of communities of color, further entrenching systemic inequalities.

The project also proposes to roll back protections for LGBTQ+ individuals by revisiting and potentially rescinding Executive Orders issued during the Obama and Biden administrations that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. This could lead to an increase in discrimination in the workplace, housing, and healthcare. If these protections are removed, a transgender individual could legally be denied housing or employment in states that do not have anti-discrimination laws.

On the issue of reproductive rights, Project 2025 aims to severely restrict access to abortion by pushing for a federal ban on the procedure after 15 weeks of pregnancy, similar to the Mississippi law at the center of the 2022 Supreme Court case, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which ultimately led to the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Additionally, the project supports defunding Medicaid approval of Planned Parenthood and other non-governmental organizations that provide abortion services, which could further limit access to reproductive healthcare, particularly for low-income women who rely on these services.

These proposals, if enacted, would most likely have devastating consequences for marginalized communities. Voting rights restrictions could legally silence the voices of millions of minority voters, LGBTQ+ individuals could face increased and now legal discrimination, and women could see their reproductive rights eroded, forcing them to carry unwanted pregnancies to term or seek unsafe alternatives.

The blueprint for Project 2025 draws heavily from the strategies and policies implemented during the Trump administration. Trump’s presidency was marked by efforts to dismantle federal agencies, weaken regulations, and centralize power within the executive branch—all goals that Project 2025 seeks to further.

Though Trump claims to know nothing about the project, at least 140 people who worked for him are involved, with six of his former Cabinet secretaries helping write the plan. Russ Vought, who served as Trump’s Director of the Office of Management and Budget, is one of the leading architects of the plan. Vought is known for his efforts to slash government spending and cut funding for social programs, aligning perfectly with Project 2025’s goal of reducing the size of the federal government.

The project’s emphasis on deregulation and reducing the influence of federal agencies mirrors the Trump administration’s approach. During Trump’s presidency, the administration rolled back over 100 environmental regulations, including rules designed to limit greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles and power plants. Project 2025 proposes continuing this trend, with the potential to undo decades of environmental protections.

The initiative acts as a continuation of the work Trump began during his presidency, particularly in terms of reducing the power of the federal government and empowering states and private enterprises. If re-elected, Trump will likely use Project 2025 as a blueprint for his second term, implementing many of its recommendations and further solidifying conservative control over the federal government.

Women protested Trump’s inauguration during the Women’s March in 2017. Courtesy of Flickr.

The implementation of Project 2025 could have far-reaching consequences for American society, fundamentally altering the relationship between the government and its citizens.

In the immediate future, Project 2025 could lead to significant changes in how the federal government operates. By removing job protections for civil servants, the administration could quickly purge officials who are seen as obstacles to conservative policy goals, replacing them with individuals loyal to the administration. This could lead to a more politicized and less independent federal workforce, with potential consequences for the enforcement of laws and regulations.

Over time, Project 2025 could reshape American society by shifting power away from the federal government and toward states and private entities. This could exacerbate existing inequalities, as states with more conservative leadership could enact policies that further marginalize vulnerable communities. For example, states could implement restrictive voting laws, roll back environmental protections, and reduce access to healthcare, leading to a patchwork of rights and protections that vary significantly depending on where a person lives.

The success or failure of Project 2025 will depend in large part on the public’s response. Civil society organizations, grassroots movements, and political opposition will need to mobilize to protect civil rights and prevent the erosion of democratic norms. Already, groups like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the NAACP have vowed to fight against efforts to undermine voting rights and civil liberties. The battle over Project 2025 is not just a political one; it is a fight for the soul of the nation and the future of American democracy.

Project 2025 represents a bold and potentially dangerous vision for the future of the United States. By seeking to centralize power within the executive branch and roll back civil rights protections, this initiative poses a significant threat to the values of equality, justice, and democracy that have long defined the American experiment. As the 2024 election approaches, it is more important than ever for citizens to stay informed and engaged in the political process, to ensure that the future of the nation reflects the will of the people, not just the ambitions of a select few.

Download and review the PROJECT 2025 PDF. 


It’s more important now than ever to use our voices to advocate for the protection of human rights and the continuation of fair democracy. The Untitled Space, in partnership with non-profit SaveArtSpace, is organizing a nationwide billboard campaign, “Future Vision,” which uses art to drive people to the polls and encourage political action against initiatives like Project 2025. This project isn’t possible without support, however. Donate to the “FUTURE VISION” GoFundMe, and your contribution will support more billboards throughout the country advocating for change. All donations are tax-deductible.

Read more about the non-profit billboard campaign HERE.

LINK TO GOFUNDME CAMPAIGN: https://www.gofundme.com/f/fund-the-future-vision-billboard-campaign


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