In The Raw The Female Gaze Of The Nude THE UNTITLE SPACE Exhibit Opening 001 1
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View photos from the opening reception of “In The Raw: The Female Gaze on The Nude” (106 Photos)

The Untitled Space
45 Lispenard Street Unit 1W
New York, NY 10013
May 3 – June 4, 2016

On May 3rd,In The Raw: The Female Gaze on the Nude,” a group show of 20 female artists and their intimate vision on the female nude, opened at The Untitled Space. Curated by gallery director & artist Indira Cesarine along with Coco Dolle, the exhibit included photography, painting, sculpture, mixed media, and video. The “male gaze” which we have grown up with via art, television, media, and advertising is so ingrained in our system that most are unaware it exists. The work exhibited in “In The Raw,” counters this idea. As Cesarine notes, pieces in the show “touch on what many would consider taboo subjects of female rites of passage, sexuality, fear and fantasy. When viewing the work of these artists it is clear that not only do women have a very different voice, but also are breaking boundaries with work that reveals their own unique experiences, desires, feelings and emotions.”

LOGAN WHITE 1 In The Raw The Female Gaze on The Nude Exhibit The Untitled Space
‘LA Nudes, Fire,’ Logan White, 2013. Featured in “In The Raw: The Female Gaze on The Nude” Exhibit, Untitled Space Gallery, New York.

Exhibiting artists included Amanda Charchian, Aneta Bartos, Annika Connor, Coco Dolle, Elisa Garcia de la Huerta, Ellen Jong, Indira Cesarine, Jennifer Caviola, Katya Zvereva, Kelsey Bennett, Leah Schrager, Logan White, Loretta Mae Hirsch, Lynn Bianchi, Maria Kreyn, Marianna Rothen, Marie Tomanova, Meredith Ostrom, Sophia Wallace and Victoria de Lesseps.

Ellen Jong In The Raw The Female Gaze on The Nude Exhibit The Untitled Space
‘Burden Braid,’ Ellen Jong, 2016. Featured in “In The Raw: The Female Gaze on The Nude” Exhibit, Untitled Space Gallery, New York.

“Throughout history the nude has been the muse of countless artists, yet for the most part, until recently, that perspective has been predominately male. The past several decades have ushered in a new era of powerful female visual storytellers, who focus on their own personal experiences as women, and embrace a vision of the nude that is brave and honest.” Each artist included in “In The Raw: The Female Gaze on the Nude” brings her own voice to the forefront, whether channeled through an autobiographical point of view, whimsical, raw or erotic lens, it remains boldly uncensored. As Cesarine noted, “In our society women have been forced to conform to a stereotype of femininity.  Whether dictated by society at large, or via the media, the pressures to look and present yourself in a certain way as a woman have dominated our history. I think what is important in this exhibition is not necessarily fear itself, but the ability to be “fearless”.

Amanda Charchian In The Raw The Female Gaze on The Nude Exhibit The Untitled Space
‘Calm Sea,’ Amanda Charchian, 2012. Featured in “In The Raw: The Female Gaze on The Nude” Exhibit, Untitled Space Gallery, New York.

The female artists of the show were from a wide spectrum of generations and cultural backgrounds. Cesarine elaborated on the selection, “The exhibit includes international artists from various nationalities and ethnic backgrounds. There are artists from South America, France, Poland, Russia, Asia, Czechoslovakia, Canada and the United States featured in the exhibit. Several of the artists align themselves with the LGBT community. Many of the artists were also inspired by ethnically diverse subjects in their works. I think it is important to encourage and represent female artist of all races, ethnicities and sexual orientations. I also felt strongly about it being a multi-generational exhibit, featuring works by younger female artists as well as mid career and more established female artists.”

annika connor violet nude In The Raw The Female Gaze on The Nude Exhibit The Untitled Space
‘Violet Nude,’ Annika Connor, 2012. Featured in “In The Raw: The Female Gaze on The Nude” Exhibit, Untitled Space Gallery, New York.

The diverse crowd of all ages and walks of life demonstrated that it isn’t just young women that are ready to confront the patriarchal and sexually motivated view that currently permeates the art world. “While the “male gaze”, is created by men for men, what is interesting about the “Female Gaze”, is that while the creator must be a woman, it does not necessarily only relate or appeal only to a female audience. The work women create appeals to humanity in general, speaking to not just specifically about women or women’s issues, but the human condition at large,” stated Cesarine. “It is extremely important for women to be liberated from perceiving themselves only via the eyes of men. A one-dimensional view of the world is not reality. There are so many more points of view that are relevant aside from that of the heterosexual male, and it’s time for those voices to be heard.”

Sophia Wallace 2015 JizLee In The Raw The Female Gaze on The Nude Exhibit The Untitled Space.
‘Untitled (Jiz Lee),’ Sophia Wallace, 2015. Featured in “In The Raw: The Female Gaze on The Nude” Exhibit, Untitled Space Gallery, New York.

In The Raw: The Female Gaze on the Nude” is one of the many exhibits going on during Frieze Week in New York.  From May 3-8, numerous art fairs and exhibits will be happening around the city, turning it into a haven for creatives. The exhibit will be on display until Saturday, May 21st. Daily gallery hours are 10AM – 6PM Monday – Friday and 12pm – 5pm on weekends at The Untitled Space, located at 45 Lispenard Street in Tribeca, NYC. To view available works please visit The Untitled Space ARTSY.

Aneta Martynka artsy
‘Marynka,’ Aneta Baros, 2010. Featured in “In The Raw: The Female Gaze on The Nude” Exhibit, Untitled Space Gallery, New York.
'We Are Watching (You),' Indira Cesarine, 2016.
‘We Are Watching (You),’ Indira Cesarine, 2016. Featured in “In The Raw: The Female Gaze on The Nude” Exhibit, Untitled Space Gallery, New York.
LYNN BIANCHI keepyourfatunderthetable
‘Keep Your Fat Under The Table,’ Lynn Bianchi, 2000. Featured in “In The Raw: The Female Gaze on The Nude” Exhibit, Untitled Space Gallery, New York.
'Renaissance Girl (Christelle Lefranc),' Indira Cesarine, 2007. Featured in "In The Raw: The Female Gaze on The Nude" Exhibit, Untitled Space Gallery, New York
‘Renaissance Girl (Christelle Lefranc),’ Indira Cesarine, 2007. Featured in “In The Raw: The Female Gaze on The Nude” Exhibit, Untitled Space Gallery, New York
By Logan White. Featured in “In The Raw: The Female Gaze on The Nude” Exhibit, Untitled Space Gallery, New York.
Elisa Garcia de la Huerta In The Raw The Female Gaze on The Nude Exhibit The Untitled Space
‘Sangre Sagrada, Sacred Blood,’ Elisa Garcia De La Huerta, 2016. Featured in “In The Raw: The Female Gaze on The Nude” Exhibit, Untitled Space Gallery, New York.
‘Voluptuous,’ Coco Dolle. Featured in “In The Raw: The Female Gaze on The Nude” Exhibit, Untitled Space Gallery, New York.
Featured in "In The Raw: The Female Gaze on The Nude" Exhibit, Untitled Space Gallery, New York
‘Obscure Object,’ Maria Kreyn, 2015. Featured in “In The Raw: The Female Gaze on The Nude” Exhibit, Untitled Space Gallery, New York.
Featured in "In The Raw: The Female Gaze on The Nude" Exhibit, Untitled Space Gallery, New York
‘The First Metaselfie,’ Leah Schrager, 2015. Featured in “In The Raw: The Female Gaze on The Nude” Exhibit, Untitled Space Gallery, New York.
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‘In The Grass,’ Marie Tomanova, 2015. Featured in “In The Raw: The Female Gaze on The Nude” Exhibit, Untitled Space Gallery, New York.
Featured in "In The Raw: The Female Gaze on The Nude" Exhibit, Untitled Space Gallery, New York
‘Beside Herself,’ Marianna Rothen, 2015. Featured in “In The Raw: The Female Gaze on The Nude” Exhibit, Untitled Space Gallery, New York.
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