

Jacob Latimore – The Untitled Magazine – Photography by Carter B Smith

Jacob Latimore is the latest triple threat to hit the radio waves and big screens. Fresh off of his role in the Will Smith film Collateral Beauty, the twenty-year-old singer and actor released his new album, Connection.  The latest video off of his big debut, “The Real,” shows off Latimore’s R&B chops and dance moves – skills that he is been honing since getting in to the studio at age nine. Despite having already worked with super producers, acting legends and starring in Sleight, an upcoming superhero origin story, Jacob remains humble saying, “I love working with great people, not just great actors.”

In the la la land of Hollywood, Jacob stays firmly rooted in the real world. While acting in an upcoming Kathryn Bigelow film about a 1967 police raid in Detroit, Jacob stayed informed about the rioting happening in his hometown of Milwaukee following the police shooting of a teenager. He used the painful parallels to go deeper in to his part in the Detroit project, explaining “Sadly, rioting and police brutality still happens today, so I channeled my frustrations and fears into the role…Although we’ve come a long way, we have much more to do.” His awareness extends to the rest of the world – he wants to start feeding the hungry and is in the works of starting a nonprofit organization for Down syndrome.

The Untitled Magazine caught up with Jacob and got all of the details on his latest album and new projects. Check out the interview below, with exclusive photos by Carter B. Smith.

Jacob Latimore – The Untitled Magazine – Photography by Carter B Smith

The Untitled Magazine: You have a lot of great things ahead in both music and acting, do you feel an affinity towards one or the other?

Jacob Latimore: Not anymore. I used to pick music over everything, but I fell in love with film on a whole new level this past year while working with Will Smith on Collateral Beauty and director Kathryn Bigelow on the Detroit project.

UM: How did you get into entertainment, did acting or music come first?

JL: I got in the studio at the age of nine, so music came first for me and it runs in the family. I got into the industry from working with different songwriters and producers, performing at schools, putting out my own songs and posting covers on YouTube.

Jacob Latimore – The Untitled Magazine – Photography by Carter B Smith

UM: How do manage to balance the two?

JL: I’m not really sure to be honest. It can be difficult. I go month by month, but I never stop recording.

UM: Your debut album, Connection, is out now! Can you give us a rundown on some of the themes of the album?

JL: It’s great, smooth R&B music.

UM: How was it to work on the album with people who have produced for some of hip-hop’s biggest names, did you feel extra pressure in the studio?

JL: It’s really cool to work with different producers and writers in the industry and to hear different sounds, but I’ve never felt any pressure. Singing in the studio or in front of an audience is something I tackled at a young age.

Jacob Latimore – The Untitled Magazine – Photography by Carter B Smith

UM: What about the actors you are working with in your movie, “Collateral Beauty?” Can you share any specific anecdotes from being on set with Will Smith, Michael Pena, Kate Winslet, Edward Norton, Naomie Harris, Helen Mirren and Keira Knightley?

JL: Will told me to earn my scenes and find my moments where I can stand out and shine. Since I was the youngest and least recognizable, I wanted to make my mark in this film. Also, I love working with great people, not just great actors, but great people. That’s what made the experience truly special.

UM: What is your character like in the film?

JL: Will’s character Howard starts to write letters to the universe – Love, Death, Time – in a very therapeutic way after the loss of his child. My character is Raffi, and he represents Time. Time is aggressive and sadly does not slow down for anyone, it’s a gift and Raffi reflects that in the movie.

Jacob Latimore – The Untitled Magazine – Photography by Carter B Smith

UM: You also will be in an upcoming Kathryn Bigelow film and the movie, Krystal. Can you talk about your roles in those projects?

JL: I can’t say much about my character in the Kathryn Bigelow project, but this film will expose the officers in uniform who are just pure evil and heartless. Sadly, rioting and police brutality still happens today, so I channeled my frustrations and fears into the role.
While I was filming, there was a riot going on in my hometown Milwaukee, WI after the killing of young teenager. It made filming that much more intense. Although we’ve come a long way, we have much more to do.

UM: Do you prefer to act in comedies or dramas?

JL: I’ve never had a preference really. As an actor, I want to show my range as much as I can. However, if I had to choose, I would choose comedies because, I mean, who doesn’t like to laugh and make jokes.

Jacob Latimore – The Untitled Magazine – Photography by Carter B Smith

UM: Do you have any passion projects or social causes that you feel strongly about?

JL: I want to start feeding the hungry and I’m in the works of starting a nonprofit organization for Down syndrome. My little cousin has a rare form of it, so that is a passion of mine.

UM: What’s next for you in 2017?

JL: I’m excited about my superhero origin story, Sleight, in theaters April 7th and can’t wait to show everyone the mysterious Detroit Project and more to come. It’s going to be a good year.

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