Judy Chicago Killing Them Off 2014
Judy Chicago, Killing Them Off, 2014. Image courtesy of Salon 94.

The incredibly talented feminist artist Judy Chicago is sharing exciting work with NYC in the weeks to come. On October 18th, her exhibit Judy Chicago: Picturing Extinction; Studies for The End will be at Salon 94 Freemans, with an opening reception from 6-8 pm. The collection will be on view until November 2nd. The Freeman Alley Gallery is planning to include some of the drawings that led to Chicago’s exhibit “The End: A Meditation on Death and Extinction” at the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, D.C.  The NMWA exhibit includes porcelain, painted glass, and a couple of bronze reliefs. The drawings that inspired those pieces are equally impressive and convey a message about the environment everyone should be aware of.

Chicago is known for tackling controversial subjects that conventional artists might shy away from. Her past work has included pieces addressing birth, death, constructions of gender, women’s experiences, and critical historical events. This exhibit hits a scary note with perfect timing. As activist Greta Thunberg demands both politicians and civilians wake up and take action against the climate crisis before it burns us alive, Chicago’s haunting drawings remind us of what will happen if we don’t heed Miss Thunberg’s advice. Each piece has a one-word title highlighting a significant issue animals face that prevents their survival.

Judy Chicago Poached 2013
Judy Chicago, “Poached,” 2013. Image courtesy of Salon 94.

Medicine, transportation, and food might be industries that are crucial for our survival and expansion as a species, but we’ve sacrificed everything around us to build the society we have today. Chicago forces humans to come face to face with the consequences of our actions. To combat the atrocities the environment has had to endure because of humans, part of the proceeds from Picturing Extinction will go towards Project 0, an organization dedicated to protecting the Mediterranean Sea.

Along with the exciting exhibit, Chicago is celebrating the first monograph about her in 20 years, published by Scala with support from Salon 94 Freemans. Judy Chicago: New Views will give the world a new perspective on Chicago’s highly engaging and inspiring career. Those who are curious about learning more can see writer Sarah Thornton speak with Chicago at Cooper Union on October 21st. We hope to see you there!

JuC 635 lr
Judy Chicago (Study for) Stranded, 2013





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