

Libe (left) and Ariela Barer (right) – Photography by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine

Sisters Ariela Barer and Libe Barer have more in common than their familial ties. The two beauties are both up-and-coming actresses starring on hit TV shows: Ariela plays Gert Yorkes in Marvel’s “Runaways” and Libe appears on Amazon Prime’s “Sneaky Pete” as Carly Bowman. Ariela is also a musician—she plays bass in feminist rock band The Love-Inns, who released their first album, “Split Lip,” last year. Beauty Editor Tina Turnbow shot the talented sisters in Los Angeles and compared beauty and style notes. Read on for our exclusive interview and photo shoot!

Tina: What are your latest beauty obsessions?

Ariela: I just got some Fenty Beauty lip gloss that changed my life. I usually only wear Chapstick because my lips are so dry, but this is so moisturizing and not sticky at all. It’s been a real game changer for me.

Libe: I used to have a really involved skin care routine with 8 billion products, but I recently abandoned it and have been using totally natural stuff: a light cleanser, witch hazel, apple cider vinegar and coconut oil. I’ve struggled with acne and when I switched to this regime, my skin miraculously got better. It’s pretty amazing. The one product I still use is Mario Badescu’s Rose Facial Spray. It’s light and hydrating and helps lock in all that good stuff from the natural non-products that I’ve been using.

Libe and Ariela Barer – Photography by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine

Tina: What qualities do you admire most in your sister?

Ariela: Something I’ve always admired about my sister is her work ethic. It’s something I lack and envy. She works so hard, and you can see the way it pays off in the final product. Everything she does endlessly impresses me.

Libe: I admire the way Ariela fights so fervently and unapologetically for what she believes in.  She doesn’t worry about how she will be perceived in doing so, as long as long as her message is received and makes an impact. And if something is incorrect or unintentionally insensitive, she listens, self corrects and grows, but never retreats.

Libe and Ariela Barer – Photography by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine

Tina: How would you say your styles differ?

Ariela: I think I take some more risk. Libe loves a classic, vintage look and I do as well to an extent. I definitely love bold colors and a good mix of trendy and classic.

Libe: I’d like to say Ariela wears more bright colors and dresses most of this time and I generally go for a more classic, 70s vibe, but recently we’ve shown up multiple places accidentally wearing different versions of the same thing. So our styles may be more similar than we admit.

Ariela Barer – Photography by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine

Tina: Did your mom hand down any beauty advice that you can share?

Ariela: Not that I can remember. Libe might have a good answer for this one.

Libe: Skincare over make-up. One of my favorites is using rosewater. That has been a staple in my skincare regimen.

Libe Barer – Photography by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine


Interview, makeup & photography: Tina Turnbow
Hair: Kristin Heitkotter
Styling: Allyson Yarrow Pierce

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