

Courtesy of The School/Jack Shainman Gallery

Upstate Art Weekend
Hudson Valley
July 18-21, 2024

The Upstate Art Weekend (UPAW) will unfold for the fourth consecutive year on July 18-21, with exhibitions spanning across ten counties in the Catskill Mountains and Hudson Valley. The event launched in 2020 with 23 participants; this year, UPAW will welcome over 145 arts organizations, galleries, museums, residencies and creative programs to the weekend’s festivities. The organization expects to have thousands of visitors in attendance at the various events throughout the region. 

POND (2) by Karen Barth, Courtesy of Pinkwater Gallery

To help visitors navigate the myriad arts events over the weekend, PAW compiled a comprehensive Google Map, which details the offerings and location of participants in the arts weekend. 

Participants include Ann Street Gallery (New York), ArtPort Kingston, Edward Hopper House Museum & Study Center, Studio Tashtego, Hudson Valley Photo Collective, The School/Jack Shainman Gallery, Pinkwater Gallery, Assembly NY, River Hook preserve, Yellow Studio, and hundreds of other artists, museums, cultural centers and locations. 

Courtesy of Assembly NY

UPAW was founded by arts organizer Helen Toomer, the co-founder of STONELEAF RETREAT and Art Mamas Alliance, and the program’s growth is supported by SPACE design + production. Toomer founded the event in response to the separation from art and people she experienced during the pandemic. First an impromptu guide for out-of-state visitors to explore art in the Hudson Valley, UPAW has established itself as the place for local organizations and business to welcome art lovers to the area. 

Stories from a Collection, Courtesy of Studio Tashtego and Manitoga

Standout art exhibitions from previous years include a Geary show that featured “Follow You Until the Sun” by Paul Anagnostopoulos, an acrylic on terracotta vase that explores mythological desire, in addition to the international artist Katharina Arndt’s debut U.S. exhibition at Catskills-based gallery Mott Projects.

Paul Anagnostopoulos, “Follow You Until the Sun,” 2022. Courtesy of Upstate Art Weekend

This year’s partners include sustainable bag company Baggu, food security non-profit Sky High Farm and reproductive rights national initiative Noise For Now.


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