

GRAND CANAL Venice Biennale 2017 – Photography by Daniela Federici for The Untitled Magazine.

Venice Biennale
“May you live in interesting times”
May 8th – 10th
Regular days:
May 11th – November 24th
At the Giardini and the Arsenale

Open to the public from Saturday, May 11th to Sunday, November 24th, 2019,  The 58th International Art Exhibition, Venice Biennale, titled May You Live In Interesting Times, will include 79 international artists. Curated by Ralph Rugoff and organized by La Biennale di Venezia chaired by Paolo Baratta, the pre-opening will take place on May 8th, 9th and 10th, the awards ceremony and inauguration will be held on Saturday, May 11th, 2019.

“The title of this Exhibition could be interpreted as a sort of curse”, stated President Paolo Baratta. “Where the expression ‘interesting times’ evokes the idea of challenging or even ‘menacing’ times, but it could also simply be an invitation to always see and consider the course of human events in their complexity, an invitation, thus, that appears to be particularly important in times when, too often, oversimplification seems to prevail, generated by conformism or fear. And I believe that an exhibition of art is worth our attention, first and foremost, if it intends to present us with art and artists as a decisive challenge to all oversimplifying attitudes.”

ROBERT WILSON Venice Biennale 2017 – Photography by Daniela Federici for The Untitled Magazine.

The Exhibition will also include 90 National Participations in the historic Pavilions at the Giardini, at the Arsenale and in the historic city centre of Venice. Four countries will be participating for the first time at the Biennale Arte: Ghana, Madagascar, Malaysia, and Pakistan. The Dominican Republic exhibits for the first time at the Biennale Arte with its own national pavilion. In addition, 21 Collateral Events which are admitted by the curator and promoted by non-profit national and international bodies and institutions, take place in several locations; they offer a wide range of contributions and participation that enrich the diversity of voices that characterizes the Biennale.

SWAN SONG Venice Biennale 2017 – Photography by Daniela Federici for The Untitled Magazine.

Special Projects:

 – Forte Marghera Special Project, Mestre
Ludovica Carbotta, one of the artists taking part in the International Exhibition, has been invited by Ralph Rugoff to expressly make a work in Forte Marghera, inside the building called the Austrian Polveriera.

– Applied Arts Pavilion Special Project, Arsenale, Sale d’Armi
Marysia Lewandowska is the artist set to exhibit in the Pavilion of Applied Arts located in the Arsenale, Sale d’Armi. The project, renewed for the fourth consecutive year, is the result of the collaboration between La Biennale and the Victoria and Albert Museum, London.

More info at www.labiennale.org/

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