

Trekking down the same thespian trail her A-list mother Susan Sarandon blazed, 27-year-old Eva Amurri Martino started acting early. It’s not uncommon for starlets to get their sparkle on at a young age when mom and dad are in the business —not to mention her grandfather and aunt, both TV writers — and Martino is no exception. By 14, she had established a career of her own and considers herself “in the business” for 20 years.

Look out for her on the big screen in Marco Bellone and Giovanni Consonni’s hapless-American-in-Italy adventure caper AmeriQua, released this month. The film tells the story of a lazy recent graduate, Charlie (Bobby Kennedy), whose rich dad (played by the always funny Alec Baldwin) cuts him off with a $5000 check and an ultimatum to start a life of independence and responsibility. Instead, he buys a plane ticket to Italy, gets robbed upon arrival and winds up in Bologna in the care of his new friend and mentor Lele (Lele Gabellone), the self-proclaimed King of Bologna. This is where Charlie meets Martino’s character, the all-American, wholesome Jessica. Romance, culture clash, and hijinks ensue. Martino is also appearing in psychological horror-thriller Mother’s Day from Saw II, III and IV director Darren Lynn Bousman, and bromance buddy movieStag, both out this year.

The Untitled Magazine asks Martino a few questions about her early blossoming career and her upcoming projects.

How did you get into acting?

I started acting at a young age by auditioning for movies that my parents were in. I got several parts in their movies, and was allowed to work on those when they were close by. I transitioned in to auditioning for my “own” movies around 14 years old. I took a brief break to attend and graduate from college and then got back to work. Overall, I’ve been around the business since I was a baby, and I’ve been a part of it for over 20 years.

What was a significant moment for you in your career?

A significant moment for me in my career was when I did the movie “Saved!” It was an incredible experience creatively, and it was the first time for me being on location so far from home (Vancouver), so it was a milestone personally as well. The movie ended up turning in to a little cult classic and it still makes me proud when people come up to me and tell me how much that movie helped them through a difficult time or resonated with them personally.

Do you have a favorite movie?

One of my favorite movies is Waiting For Guffman. I think Christopher Guest is a genius, and there are so many nuances in that movie that make it brilliant to me. The acting, the story, the way it’s shot. I’ve seen it about a hundred times and I still love it.

If you could be any other actor, who would it be?

If I could be any other actor, it would be Kate Winslet. She makes unbelievable career choices, is so talented, and really seems to maintain who she is through it all. I really look up to her. She’s an incredible mom and and incredibly successful actress, and I hope to try and emulate that in my life.

Who is your favorite artist?

Some of my favorite artists are Joan Miro, Sebastian Salgado, and Damien Hirst.

What weren’t acting, what would you do?

If I wasn’t acting, I would probably want to work in advertising. I love working with what makes something attractive to a consumer– it intrigues me. I love the hustle of it.

Any mottos you live by?

I recently heard a saying that I really liked: “Be yourself. Everybody else is taken.” I like to think I live that way.

Any upcoming projects?

Yes,  AmeriQua, Mother’s Day, and Stag.

-Coverage by The Untitled Magazine
-Photography by Indira Cesarine


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