

Coleman Domingo, photographed by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine.
Colman Domingo, photographed by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine.

Colman Domingo, Emily Wickersham, Austin Amelio, and Nico Tortorella are best known for their various roles in films and on television but off-screen they are all pursuing interesting passions and life goals. Check out the interviews below to see what these actors are up to when the cameras aren’t rolling.

Colman Domingo, Age 46, Fear The Walking Dead, Birth of A Nation

Tina Turnbow: When you’re not working your day job, what do you like to do on the side?

Colman Domingo: I’ve always had hobbies that were also my professions. I was a headshot and portrait photographer for many years. That happened to be my side hustle while I was waiting on acting and directing opportunities. I am also a writer who writes plays, musicals, polish scripts and has published essays and op-eds. I seem to do all of this other work on the side that has become part of my day jobs. The thing I do to bring me the most peace is cook, and, I like to throw parties.

TT: In what way do you feel it enhances your life and your work?

CD: I have always used my creative endeavors hopefully to keep my heart open. Cooking for others does that as well. You have to cook with love. I guess it all enhances my world view. I like looking at faces, I think that is why I was attracted to portrait photography – looking into another’s eyes, trying to figure them out, trying to figure me out.

Coleman Domingo photographed by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine.
Colman Domingo photographed by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine.

TT: Is there anything you’d like to learn or explore that you haven’t gotten around to yet?

CD: I am trying to learn Spanish. I’d like to play the piano. I am very interested in directing television these days. There is so much expression and imagination being used in television.

TT: f you were to make a list of what you’re most passionate about in your life, how would it go?

1. Kindness
2. Making Art
2. (Tie) Making Love
3. Travel
4. Food
5. Luxury
6. Fitness

Emily Wickersham, NCIS

Emily Wickersham photographed by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine.
Emily Wickersham photographed by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine.

Tina Turnbow: When you’re not working your day job, what do you like to do on the side?

Emily Wickersham: Well, recently I’ve been really into tennis. I used to play a lot when I was younger and I’ve started playing again but I’m not as good as I once was. Andre Agassi was a big idol for me. I’m determined to get it back.

TT: In what way do you feel it enhances your life and your work?

EW: Being really focused on getting better at tennis when I’m out on the court allows me to not focus on my stresses and anxieties. I’m focused on getting the ball in and getting my stroke right. All other thoughts that buzz around in my mind go away in that moment. So it’s very therapeutic for me in that way. I’m also closer to beating my Dad, it’s enhanced my competitor spirit.

Emily Wickersham photographed by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine.
Emily Wickersham photographed by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine.

TT: Is there anything you’d like to learn or explore that you haven’t gotten around to yet?

EW: I would love to live in Paris for a bit, learn French and just run around the Parisian streets. That’s always been a dream of mine.

TT: f you were to make a list of what you’re most passionate about in your life, how would it go?

EW: My family, friends, dogs, work….a little shopping…a couple sips of wine and a bite of dark chocolate combo.

Austin Amelio, Age 28, The Walking Dead

Austin Amelio photographed by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine.
Austin Amelio photographed by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine.

Tina Turnbow: When you’re not working your day job, what do you like to do on the side?

Austin Amelio: I’m hanging with my lady and my little guy who is just now two in a half years old. He keeps my attention. He’s a maniac! I can barely keep up with him. He likes everything I like, so we hang pretty tough. We listen to music, make up stories about dinosaurs and what not, and then watch some dragon tales. You know, keep it cool. But I’ll put him on my motorcycle before I take it for a ride. He gets a kick out of that. I’m hanging with the family when I have days off. Nothing too crazy anymore. Also, getting a good skate in when ever I can. That’s skateboarding btw. That’s a huge part of my life.

TT: In what way do you feel it enhances your life and your work?

AA: Hanging with him enriches everything I do. Simple as that.

Austin Amelio photographed by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine.
Austin Amelio photographed by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine.

TT: Is there anything you’d like to learn or explore that you haven’t gotten around to yet?

AA: Well, hopefully I keep trying my hand out at whatever I can get into. I’m reading a lot and listening to music pretty much all day. Old tunes, new tunes. I worked on my motorcycle for the first time the other day so maybe I’ll get in to that a little more. I’m trying to stay really meditative and learn, learn, learn to keep humbling myself through new things. That’s the way to go I think.

TT: If you were to make a list of what you’re most passionate about in your life, how would it go?

AA: I try to be passionate about whatever I get into so this is kind of hard, but if I had to list it would be:
1. Being a rad Dad
2. Filling up on life and whatever adventures that entails. Keeping the well full and ready.
3. Having a smoke and a coffee in my car with the windows down and tunes blasting. That’s bliss!

If you wake up, it’s a good day.

Nico Tortorella, Age 28, Younger

Nico Tortorella photographed by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine.
Nico Tortorella photographed by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine.

Tina Turnbow: When you’re not working your day job, what do you like to do on the side?

Nico Tortorella: Create. Whatever that means depending on the day. Right now I’m deep into recording episodes of my new podcast series called “The Love Bomb” which inevitably takes a toll emotionally. So when I’m not working in the studio, I’m working on taking care of myself.

TT: In what way do you feel it enhances your life and your work?

NT: Where do I start? Being able to share love stories in a room with people I love and then the ability to hear them back? I can’t put a price tag on that. It’s pure soul wealth.

Nico Tortorella photographed by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine.
Nico Tortorella photographed by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine.

TT: Is there anything you’d like to learn or explore that you haven’t gotten around to yet?

NT: Yes, more of myself.  The next step on the journey is deeper inward exploration.

TT: If you were to make a list of what you’re most passionate about in your life, how would it go?

1. Me.
2. You.
3. Time.
4. Sleep.

All photos and interviews by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine

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