


Tina Turnbow sat down with Jordana Brewster, Brad Walsh, Jake Lamagno, and Domino Kirke and chatted about their passion projects and side pursuits. Check out the interviews below to gain insight into the lives of these four New York City creatives.

Jordana Brewster, Actress

Tina Turnbow: When you’re not working your day job, what do you like to do on the side?

Jordana Brewster: There are lots of things I like to do on the side. In fact, I like to have my hands in many things simultaneously. I love home decor. I recently renovated my home. It took two years but the process was super gratifying. To envision what I wanted my home to look like and then to see it come together is an incredible feeling. It’s also a very fun and collaborative process. I also try to donate as much time as i can to my two favorite charities; Alliance of Moms and No Kid Hungry. Being a good mom is one of my greatest side interests.

TT: In what way do you feel it enhances your life and your work?

JB: I think balancing work with hobbies and passion projects gives you a healthier perspective on life. It helps you shift your focus and discover other interests outside of your career.

Jordana Brewster, photographed by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine.
Jordana Brewster, photographed by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine.

TT: Is there anything you’d like to learn or explore that you haven’t gotten around to yet?

JB: I’d love to travel more. I’d like to get my masters one day. I’d love to take  a cooking course. I’d love to write a screenplay.

TT: If you were to make a list of what you’re most passionate about in your life, how would it go?

JB: My kids, my husband, my home, and lately…cooking!

Jordana Brewster an actress, she currently stars in two television shows – Secrets and Lies and Lethal Weapon.

Jordana was photographed at the London hotel NYC
Hair by Marc Mena
Makeup by Tina Turnbow
Jordana wears a dress by Tory Burch, eyeglasses by Cutler & Gross

Brad Walsh, Musician

Brad Walsh, photographed by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine.
Brad Walsh, photographed by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine.

Tina Turnbow: When you’re not working your day job, what do you like to do on the side?

Brad Walsh: If I’m not making music I’m either binge watching Roseanne or taking photos for my husband (designer Christian Siriano). I do most of the visuals for his company. Look books, campaigns, etc. I’m also really into shopping for old books at the Salvation Army and Goodwill when I’m at our vacation house in Connecticut. I have way too many books. I’m reading Olivia De Havilland’s memoir of her time in France, Every Frenchman Has One, and I really wish I could get drunk with her.

TT: In what way do you feel it enhances your life and your work?

BW: Consuming other peoples’ art and being part of other visions is a sure way to be inspired to make your own. I often begin writing new songs once I’ve been energized by a new piece of art I’m consuming, whether it’s an album or a movie or a painting.

Brad Walsh, photographed by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine.

TT: Is there anything you’d like to learn or explore that you haven’t gotten around to yet?

BW: I really want to learn how to fly a plane or a helicopter. There’s a private airfield near our country house and I would love to buy some rickety old plane and risk my life and those around me by attempting to fly it.

TT: If you were to make a list of what you’re most passionate about in your life, how would it go?

BW: 1. Love and contentment. 2. Social issues: Black Lives Matter, Help the poor, Trans safety, Gay civil rights, Empathy. We are all connected. Legalize marijuana. I don’t even touch it, but I know it helps far more than it hurts. 3. Art: music and images. 4. Animals. Give me animals over humans any day. Animal abusers should be ground into dog treats. 5. Food is the best. 6. I like turtles.

Brad Walsh is a musician. His new album, Six Infinite, is available now.

Brad wears clothing by designer, Sloane Lenz.

Jake Lamagno, Artist & Co-owner of THE HUNT NYC

Jake Lamagno, photographed by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine.
Jake Lamagno, photographed by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine.

Tina Turnbow: When you’re not working your day job, what do you like to do on the side?

Jake Lamagno: I love to create. Whether I’m in my studio or our store, THE HUNT NYC. They are both creative outlets for me, where I spend the majority of my time. It has taken many years of work to get to a point where you can call what you’re most passionate about  a job. The majority of what I do on the side largely influences these creative outlets. Riding motorcycles & traveling aren’t so bad either.

TT: In what way do you feel it enhances your life and your work?

JL: Traveling is definitely something that greatly enhances the process. Friends, family, and love are what keep blood pumping and the wheels in motion.

Jake Lamagno, photographed by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine.
Jake Lamagno, photographed by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine.

TT: Is there anything you’d like to learn or explore that you haven’t gotten around to yet?

JL: We are all students and constantly learning from the womb to the tomb.

TT: If you were to make a list of what you’re most passionate about in your life, how would it go?

JL: I couldn’t really make a list. If I was to try to do so it would constantly be changing on a day to day basis. Everything I engage in is something that blood, sweat, and tears go into. It’s all equal.

Jake Lamagno is an artist and co-owner of THE HUNT NYC.

Jake was photographed at THE HUNT NYC
Jake is wearing his own clothes.

Domino Kirke, Musician & Doula

Domino Kirke, photographed by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine.
Domino Kirke, photographed by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine.

Tina Turnbow: When you’re not working your day job, what do you like to do on the side?

Domino Kirke: I’m always on call for my job, so everything I do is “on the side.”  I like to be with my son, write/play music, meditate, pray and go upstate.

TT: In what way do you feel it enhances your life and your work?

DK: If I’m not really out there enjoying the moment, I can’t do my job well. If I’m waiting for a woman to go into labor I’m an anxious mess. Being on-call forces me to really focus on the now, because I never know when I may have to drop it all!

Domino Kirke, photographed by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine.
Domino Kirke, photographed by Tina Turnbow for The Untitled Magazine.

TT: Is there anything you’d like to learn or explore that you haven’t gotten around to yet?

DK: I’d like to travel more with my son. I want to learn another instrument and another language. I want to taking cooking classes!

TT: If you were to make a list of what you’re most passionate about in your life, how would it go?

DK: Parenting, self care, music making, my friendships, supporting new mothers and families, and forgiving.

Domino is a professional doula with Carriage House Birth and a musician, look out for her upcoming album.

Domino was photographed at THE HUNT NYC
Makeup by Tina Turnbow
Domino is wearing her own clothes

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