DIrected and Edited by JAKOP NAZARETYA of SURREALPHOBIA, Featuring the artworks of OUROBOROS, Interviews with ALI HOSSAINI and BLAKE SHAW.-

Ouroboros Features interviews with Ali Hossaini and Blake Shaw of Sweatshoppe regarding their Ouroboros installation.  The documentary short was directed and edited by Surealphobia. OUROBOROS is an attempt to bring unification to the mind, body, and world, all of which have been torn to fragments by modern science, industry, and art. The Ouoroboros is the ancient Greek symbol of unity, depicting a serpent that swallows its own tail to form a circle. According to Hossaini, OUROBOROS is about science, art and religion working together. “Art cannot be science, but it can convey the sense of wonder that drives scientists.”





What’s important for you to know is my work has given me the opportunity to finally wake up in the morning and have goals, ambition, and dreams. If this is what art allows a human being then I believe it truly is a gift we can never repay.



is an American philosopher, filmmaker and pacifist. His work includes contributions in creative writing, political commentary, avant-garde film, photography and television. Common themes include a commitment to freedom and innovation that breaks disciplinary boundaries.

The son of an Iraqi father and American mother, Hossaini came of age during the Reagan Era, when he became a producer for Alternative Views, a television program that offered progressive news, commentary and interviews. He also produced short films that were distributed by Deep Dish Television. He went on to write for the Village Voice and other publications. In 1994 he received a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Texas at Austin, then became involved with academic publishing and the Internet. He launched The Surrealist Revolution at the University of Texas Press, a book series whose inaugural volume, Surrealist Woman, revealed the suppressed histories of female artists. He also published one of the first electronic books, Istanbul Boy, in 1996, and produced one of the first public webcasts, Come to Me, that same year.



(Blake Shaw)

Sweatshoppe is a new multimedia performance collaboration between Bruno Levy and Blake Shaw that works at the intersection of art, music and technology. Developing software to construct a totally unique interactive performance, the duo works towards creating unique ways of affecting an audience. Whether it be as a dance driven electronic music performance that emphasizes sound reactive visuals, building interactive installations, or the fabrication of guerrilla technologies to augment public space, the duo strives towards an element of pop accessibility that is so often ignored in the technocentric world of experimental media.

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