SofiTukker BekkaGunther hires
Tucker Halpern & Sophie Hawley-Weld photographed by Bekka Gunther, courtesy of Sofi Tukker.

As musical partnership Sofi Tukker, Sophie Hawley-Weld and Tucker Halpern are delivering an infectious blend of house music and transcontinental rhythms. Their debut EP, Soft Animals, is a master mix of yoga chanting, Brazilian poetry, and jump-on-your-feet techno tracks. Sofi Tukker’s borderless beats feel especially timely in these divisive times and we haven’t been this excited about a genre-blasting duo since M.I.A. and Diplo! Get off the sidelines and get groovin’ to Sofi Tukker’s new world music. After all, dance can be a form of protest.

Sofi Tukker’s latest video, Johny, features three badass babes doing their thing in NYC. The Untitled Magazine has got the exclusive video debut, just in time for International Women’s Day. Watch the cool clip and read our interview with Sophie and Tucker below.

The Untitled Magazine: Can you tell us how you guys met?

Sophie Hawley-Weld & Tucker Halpern: We met at Brown, where we both went to University.

UM: It seems like you’ve been on a whirlwind since forming, you were even nominated for a Grammy! What has been the most memorable moment for each of you?

TH: Playing at a 10,000 seat arena in Rome was crazy!

SHW: Playing in Mexico City at Corona Capital. It was the wildest audience and they all knew our songs so well! 

UM: Your sound is an infectious mix of dance music and global beats and you seem to have a particular affinity for Brazilian rhythms and the Portuguese language. Where does that come from?

SHW: Tucker was a house music DJ when we met in college and that’s still his core!

TH: Sophie was playing Brazilian bossa nova when we met and that’s still her core! 

UM: I read that Kundalini chants were a big influence in your single, “Drinkee.” Has yoga seeped into other songs on Soft Animals?

SHW: Hahaha, oh yeah! It’s a way of being with myself and my body, yoga is a big part of everything I do.

UM: Speaking of Portuguese, what are you saying in “Johny?” Or is it more about how it sounds versus what the words actually mean?

SHW & TH: It is definitely more about how it sounds for us but it’s a poem by Leminski which roughly translates into saying: “Johny can you hear me? Your mom and I forgive you!”

UM: What is the story behind the song? Is there a Johny somewhere out there?

SHW & TH: We do have some friends named Johny who like to think it’s about them.

UM: For the “Johny” video, why did you decide to feature the women in the video instead of yourselves?

SHW & TH: Our friend Bex directed the video and it’s really her brain child. We are really excited to celebrate bold and unapologetic women. We are also excited to celebrate the part of New York we both live in! 

UM: Speaking of those badass ladies, how did you decide to cast them? I spotted some cool clips of them on your Instagram.

SHW & TH: Bex casted them and we are so glad she did.

UM: What are your favorite yoga and dance spots in NYC?

SHW & TH: Kula Williamsburg, Strala in Soho, Miss Favela, and the Blond in Soho – Tucker goes there all the time.

UM: Other than music, do you have any side projects or social causes that you are passionate about?

SHW & TH: We don’t find ourselves with too much extra time these days but we are both passionate about striving to living in a world where people treat each other with dignity and compassion! We are particularly passionate about equality of the sexes and are proud feminists. In the rare moments that we are actually separate, you can find Soph doing movement and breath mindfulness work and Tuck watching basketball or DJing house music!

UM: What’s next for you guys? Any places that you are particularly excited to play?

SHW & TH: We leave for our first headlining North American tour ever on Friday and we are so excited for it all and for Coachella in April!


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