PFW-FW12-H-Songzio-_Jodie_Talbot-3PFW-FW12-H-Songzio-_Jodie_Talbot-30PFW-FW12-H-Songzio-_Jodie_Talbot-17SONGZIO – PARIS F/W 2012 FASHION SHOW

The invitation for the Songzio show was an impressive bande dessiné, illuminating the vastness to be found in one’s own environment, steeped with an air of mystery and silently pending adventure. Songzio is sleek, quiet elegance in this abundance of coats, some detailed with soft lamb skin belts or fur. The collection follows a rather strict color palette – “snowy violet, pitch black, ink blue, icy beige and brown.” The textures are delicately explored, with a warm wool debuting midway through the collection. The generally long lines mesh nicely with the oriental retro collars, but the excessively long maxi overcoats came off as drab, and the only break with the stillness of the collection were the stunning duo leather pants, where the lamb skin starts after the knee, and also cutting away from the norm were the plaid suits with too-short jackets and pleated trousers. Overall, a soft and pleasant collection, it maintains its masculinity and modernity in a balanced fashion.

PFW-FW12-H-Songzio-_Jodie_Talbot-4PFW-FW12-H-Songzio-_Jodie_Talbot-11PFW-FW12-H-Songzio-_Jodie_Talbot-19SONGZIO – PARIS F/W 2012 BACKSTAGE

Bronzer and shadowing around the contours of the eye help to define and chisel the models’ faces. Slick hair is parted on the side for a retro look.

Article by Amy Tabarly

Photography by Jodie Talbot for XXXX Magazine, “The Untitled Magazine”

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