

Tim Youd / Josef Beuys

Coagula Curatorial  Los Angeles

April 21 – June 3 2012

COAGULA CURATORIAL is located in the historic Chung King Road of contemporary art galleries in Downtown L.A.’s Chinatown, the gallery affirms Downtown as a viable location for the creative industries that drive the Los Angeles economy.

Coagula Art Journal was first published in April, 1992, brainchild of Los Angeles writer Mat Gleason. The bimonthly print journal quickly gained notoriety as a no-holds critique of contemporary art and the art world. Championing Los Angeles and mocking New York when the notion of the Big Apple playing second fiddle to “LaLa Land” was considered delusional, the art world as it exists now was envisioned as obvious on the pages of Coagula a generation ago. With over 100 published issues, it is the autonomous companion to the rise of the Los Angeles art scene. The publication continues now as a regular catalogue of Coagula Curatorial shows with Gleason helming publisher and curator duties. Online there is Coagula.com – a daily resource of top art news, criticism, entertainment, information and links. Coagulacuratorial.com is dedicated to the gallery’s exhibition and events calendar.

Coagula Curatorial opens with two shows curated by Mat Gleason:

CONEY ISLAND OF THE MIND is a solo show of the work of artist Tim Youd. This exhibit combines the artist’s love of literature with his lust for the flesh, wistfully merging sculpted assemblages of cerebral observations of great writers on the subject of the female anatomy with large expressionist drawings of the same subject. The installation overwhelms in an amusement park-like madness of the impossibility of the male gaze to ever fully comprehend the feminine. Viewers are left as in awe of the biological source of life as are titillated by the artist’s raw yet obsessive forays outside the bounds of traditional figurative subject matter and presentation.

BEUYS IN THE BASEMENT is an exhibition of never before seen photographs of artist Josef Beuys taken in the 1960s by the late German emigre photographer Michael Montfort. Most noted for his collaborations with the poet Charles Bukowski, Montfort was a midcentury documenter of rogue creative genius on two continents, following and photographing eccentric greats as diverse as actor Klaus Kinski, writer William S. Burroughs and singer/poet Jim Morrison.

Both Exhibits Open April 21, 2012 and run thru June 3. The gallery is open Wednesday thru Saturday, Noon – 5 PM and by appointment.

Coagula Curatorial, 977 Chung King Road, Los Angeles CA 90012

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